Answers for Civics Essential Quiz: immigration

  1. Immigrants in the U.S. are permitted to vote.

____ True ___X__ False*

  1. Green card holders, or permanent legal residents of the U.S., are immune from immigration laws.

__X__ True ____ False**

  1. Illegal immigrants in the U.S. pay no taxes.

____ True __X__ False***

  1. What is the most common reason that immigrants receive a green card for permanent legal status in the U.S.?

__X__ Sponsored by a spouse or parent.

____ Sponsored by an employer.

____ Seeking protection from persecution in their own country.

____ All of the above.

  1. Tourist visas allow a foreign-born person to reside in the U.S. for up to:

__X_six months.

____ 120 days.

____ a year.

____ three month


*Non-citizens who attempt to vote can face up to three years in prison under federal law.

**Green card holders can be deported if found guilty of crimes.

*** It has been estimated that undocumented immigrants in America pay annual state and local taxes of approximately $7 billion and federal taxes of approximately $13 billion.

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